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Classification of Digital Computer and Generation of computers

 Classification and Generation of computers

 Now we are going further.... 

 Classification of Digital Computer:- 

        • Microcomputer 
        • Minicomputers
        • Mainframe Computers
        • Supercomputers 


   A microcomputer is defined as a computer that has a microprocessor as its CPU. The microcomputer system can work on the following basic operations: Inputting, storage, Processing, Outputting & Controlling. Only one person can work on this computer at a time. Example- Desktop(PC) , Laptop, tablet etc.

   2. Mini-computer:-

  A minicomputer is a medium sized computer. It is more powerful than a microcomputer.              An important distinction between microcomputer and minicomputer is that unlike             microcomputer minicomputer is designed to serve multiple users simultaneously.100’s of workplaces or terminals attached to central minicomputer. Example IBM-17,HP-9000, DEC etc.


This computer helps in operating the information like banks, insurance companies, & railways. Mainframe computer are placed on a central location and are connected to various user terminals, which can act as access station & may be located in the same building. May have 1000’s of workplaces or terminals – geographically remote locations. 100’s of disk  drives & hardware units are used Location often kept secret! (terrorist attacks) eg IBM-370, UNIVAC-1110,VAx.

   4. Super- Computer:- 

 Super computer are the most helpful powerful and expensive computer available at present they are also the fastest computer available. It is mainly used for complex scientific application. Cost Millions. Mostly used by nuclear and scientific , industrial research departments.                            
•   NASA –government agencies, Weather Centers, Stock Exchanges, Large Commercial                            Organizations. 

    World’s Fastest Computer:- 

   Roadrunner (Los Alamos National Lab, New Mexico, US) Jaguar (National Centre for Computational Sciences, Oakridge, US). 

   Indian Scenario:-
    EKa (Computational Research Laboratories Ltd, Pune ) PARAM (CDAC,1990-91 Pune) ANURAG PARAM Yuva-II : speed 524 Tera Flops. 

   Super Computers of China:-

Sunway tedulite and Tiyanhe-2 have recently been declared as the fastest machines in the world. 

Generation of computers:- 

  The various computing devices developed over the years can be categories into several generations. Every generation of computer is the result of a technological development , which changes the way to operate computers. 

        Computer can be categories into five generation:- 

             • First generation (1940 -1956) 
             • Second generation (1956- 1963) 
             • Third generation (1963- 1971) 
             • Fourth generation (1972 – 2010) 
             • Fifth generation (2010 – till date ) 

    First Generation –Vacuum Tubes (1940 – 1956) :-

           These computers used to utilize vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for recollection. As a result they were huge, actually taking up entire room and costing resources to run. These were ineffective materials which produce a huge amount of heat, sucked huge electricity and subsequently produced a plenty of heat which caused continuous breakdowns. These first generation computers relied on ‘machine language’. These computers were limited to solving one case at a time. Input was predicated on punched cards and paper tape. Output emerged on print-outs. The two eminent machines of this era were the ENIAC and UNIVAC machines – the UNIVAC is the first ever commercial computer which was purchased in 1951 by a business named as the US Census Bureau. 
First Generation
Vacuum tube

 Second Generation –Transistors (1956 – 1963) :-

               The supersession of vacuum tubes by transistors, visualized the starting of the second generation of computing. They were a great development over the vacuum tube, despite the fact             still subjecting computers to destroying different levels of heat. However they were extremely superior to the vacuum tubes, making computers smaller, more expeditious, inexpensive and less burden some on electricity use. They still count on punched card for input/printouts. The language emerged from strange binary language to  assembly ('symbolic') languages. This meant programmers could discover instructions in words. Meanwhile during the same time high caliber programming languages were being developed (early versions of FORTRAN and COBOL). Transistor-driven machines were the first computers to store instructions(data). The anticipatory versions of these machines were developed for the atomic energy industry. Honeywell 400, IBM-1401. 
Second Generation

     Third Generation – (1964 – 1971) Integrated Circuit :- 

               By this phase, transistors were now being reduced and put on silicon chips. This led to a huge development in speed and effectiveness of these machines. These were the first computers where users interacted utilizing monitors and keyboards which interfaced with an operating  system, a consequential leap up from the punch cards and printouts. This facilitated these machines to run different applications at once utilizing a central program which functioned to monitor memory. As a result of these advances which again made machines more tiny and more reasonable , a brand new group of users emerged during the ‘60s. The main computers for the generation were: IBM-360, ICL-2903, NCR-365
Third Generation
Integrated Circuit

     Fourth Generation – Microprocessors (1972 – 2010) :- 

        •  The innovation in this generation can be defined in one word: Intel. The chip-maker made up the Intel 4004 chip in 1971, which located all components of computer such as CPU, recollection, input/output controls onto a single chip. What overcrowded a room in the 1940s now get  fit in the palm. The Intel chip contained thousands of unified circuits. The year1981 saw the first ever computer (IBM) categorically developed for home use and 1984 saw the Macintosh introduced by Apple. Microprocessor even transformed beyond the realm of computers and into an incrementing number of everyday products.
       •  The incremented power of these computers denoted they could be linked, establishing networks. Which eventually led to the spread, birth and rapid evolution of the Internet. Other primary advances during this period have been the (GUI) Graphical user interface , the mouse and more of late the startling advances in laptop capability and hand-held contrivances. 

     Fifth Generation – Artificial Intelligence (2010 Onwards) :-

              Computer devices with artificial potentiality are still in development, but a number of these technologies are starting to emerge and be used like voice recognition. AI is an authenticity, made possible by adopting multiprocessing and superconductors. Inclining to the future, computers are going to be thoroughly revolutionized again by quantum computation, molecular and nano technology. The essence of fifth generation are going to be utilizing these technologies to ultimately engender machines which may proceed and acknowledge tongue , and have efficiency to work out and organise themselves. These computers became much popular in different fields like communication technology, education, life science , entertainment etc. the most computers of this generation are: Desk top, Lap top, Palm top, Super computer.

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